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Preserve Purdue's Oldest Icon

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
156 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 26, at 12:55 AM EST
Project Owners

Final Results!

November 25, 2015

As our Big Bass Drum campaign comes to a close, we would like to thank you for your tremendous support! We quickly met our original goal of $10,000 and the support didn’t stop there! We were able to reach our stretch goal of $25,000 in only 28 days. Because of you, Purdue Bands & Orchestras will now establish an endowment that will generate funding to last a lifetime. Creating an endowment will ensure the drum receives proper maintenance annually, plus help benefit a crew member with a modest scholarship. Thank you so much for your help and support in keeping the Big Bass Drum “beating” at Purdue University!



Keep It Up...

November 12, 2015

Thank you for your continued support. Keep the momentum going by sharing our message! $25,000 is the minimum amount to start an endowment at Purdue. With this stretch goal, we could ensure the monetary longevity of the drum forever. Help us reach this goal today!


Thank You!

November 04, 2015

Thanks so much for your support during the first week of our campaign! Continue to share and promote our message today!

Choose a giving level


Personal Thank You

Receive a personal thank you from the Big Bass Drum Crew.


Picture with Drum

Get your picture taken with the Big Bass Drum.


Audition Materials

Receive materials on the audition process for how to make the “World’s Largest” Drum Crew.


Fanfare Recognition

Donation recognition in our annual Fanfare newsletter publication.


Rehearsal Invitation

Invitation to a rehearsal for an opportunity to interact with faculty, staff and Big Bass Drum crew members.


Hit the Drum

Hit the Big Bass Drum!


Big Bass Drum Beater

Receive a Big Bass Drum beater.


Insider Discussion

Never been told before insider discussion with Dr. Pamela J. Nave about the drum history, dimensions, and more.


VIP Game Day Experience

VIP Game Day Experience with Purdue “All-American” Marching Band.


BIG IMPACT- Meet & Exceed Goal

Receive a Big Bass Drum head.